A strategic workshop for organizations to craft their long-term vision and identify the steps needed to get there.


Let’s build a better future.

A well crafted long-term vision allows your team to operate with improved passion, confidence, and autonomy. However, getting your vision to be simple, inspiring, and robust can be challenging. The Futurecasting Sprint is an opportunity for your team to take a step back and align on the future you want to build while defining the steps needed to get there. Our partners believe, as we do, that it is our responsibility to build towards a future that is beneficial for as many people as possible.

Our client partners /
“The Futurecasting Sprint was a highly engaging way to bring us all around our big vision and understand what it takes to get there. It’s taken a load off our shoulders now that we will have better decision making, better strategy, better pitching, and easier alignment.”
Jason Ham, Senior Product Designer, Etsy
“The Futurecasting Sprint provides a digestible framework for seeing the big picture and understanding how your organization can plan for (and positively contribute to) anticipated societal and technological shifts. It's quite challenging and is a lot of hard work, but planning for the future is never an easy job.”
- Rachel Kurr, CEO Productable
“Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.”
- Stephen Hawking

Meet your co-conspirators

We’re hackers, hustlers, and designers with a healthy disregard for the impossible.

Futurist, Designer, CEO @ DXLabs, NASA, Lenovo, Singularity


Conceptual Designer @ DXLabs, Singularity University


Creative Technologist, Tesla, Autodesk, IDEO Collab


Futurist, Product Designer, Microsoft, Magic Leap, Singularity University


Author, Founder, Chief Narrative Officer Spatial Shift and Back to Space


Product Manager at Intuit, Intel, and Intercom


Labs Director at Pivotal Labs, Neo Innovation


Foresight Strategy, Emerging Technologies at Autodesk, Steelcase, and Arup

2 Packages

Futurecasting Sprint workshop deliverables contain everything you need to start building towards your vision.
2-hour Futurecast Sprint
*Price includes for one person per organization
Moonshot statement from leading designers, engineers, and entrepreneurs who aren't emotionally attached to your business.
Story outline crafted across several different variables including science-based fiction to create the space to think big.
Webinar, networking, and inspiration from other ambitious organizations!
Full 2-Day Futurecast Sprint
*$5,000 per person + $5,000 for illustrated sci-fi story
Futurecast with our team using science-based fiction to create the space to think big, really big. You'll define key results, assumptions, and leave with a shared definition of success.
Retrocast to operationalize your vision by identifying potential roadblocks and design lean-startup experiments to address them leaving energized with actionable next steps.
Moonshot canvas, a large printed canvas used to facilitate the workshop and store outputs. A useful tool for understanding the steps required to achieve your vision in a visual format.
*1 x Illustrated sci-fi story to bring your vision to life (see examples at Futures). These illustrations are great for pitch decks!
1 x Presentation with synthesized and digitized workshop outputs.
Food & drink, networking, and inspiration from other ambitious organizations!